ABRA (Auto Bench Rest Association)
3 Card Match
3 Card Match
Skeet Fields Open 4:00PM
Meet at the Precision Rifle Range/Silhouette Range at 8:30 to verify zero.
$40.00 Entry Fee
Cold Bore Challenge $5.00 (Carried over from last match since no winner)
300 Yard Range
Range is open for club members to shoot while the match is being shot. Shooters will adhere to UBR range commands for Fire, Cease Fire, and hanging targets.
ATA Trap Big 50 4:00PM
Skeet Fields Open 4:00PM
Begins at 5:30 pm
100 feet / 25 Bull Target / 1 or 2 targets shot per class
$10.00 per target with 60% of entry fees paid back to winning shooters
7 classes: CZ, Auto, Auto Unlimited, Sporter, Target, Unlimited, and Working Man Class
5 Card Match
Monthly Trophy Shoot Trap and Skeet 10:00AM
ATA Trap Big 50 4:00PM